帰国後は、ピアノ教室「音のアトリヱ 」を主宰し、ロシアン奏法およびロシアン・ピアノメソッドによる教育の普及につとめる。長年のロシアン・ピアノメソッドに基づくピアノ指導の成果を、自作曲の初級テキスト「ピアノレッスン」(全7巻)にまとめる。続けて、ロシアン奏法に基づく「ちいさな練習曲集」を発表。ピアノ指導者を対象とした「ロシアン奏法に基づく合理的な練習方法」の講座を全国各地にて実施。京都を拠点に、ロシアンピアノ研究会を主宰。ピアノ指導者を対象とした雑誌「ショパン」「ムジカノーヴァ」へ寄稿、ピティナ機関誌などにも取り上げられる。
2015年、30年かけて創作した「ピアノレッスン」シリーズを、「ロシアンメソッド初級テキスト ピアノレッスン」シリーズとして全8巻に再編しカワイ出版より刊行。
ピアノを中心とした作編曲を多数発表。ピアノ連弾曲(編曲)「大きな古時計」「風のとおり道」、朗読と音楽「スイミーを読んで」「やまなし(宮沢賢治)」など。教育委員会主催の読書フェイスティバルや小児ホスピス、ピアノ発表会等で演奏される。自らも、自作品による演奏活動等を実施。地元の小学校や仙台の幼稚園での児童とのコラボレーションや、日本財団助成「親学レクチャー&コンサート」、ピティナ京都支部主催記念コンサートなど。彫刻家で芸術院会員であった故・松田尚之のアトリエを、「音のアトリヱ」としてコンサートホールに改装。創作活動や音楽の交流の場として受け継いでいる。ヨーロッパ国際ピアノコンクール、ショパン国際ピアノコンクールin ASIA、ピティナ・ピアノコンペティションなどの審査員を務める。(社)全日本ピアノ指導者協会(PTNA)正会員。PTNA京都アトリヱステーション代表。 PTNA京都支部副支部長
Sae Matsuda was born in Takarazuka City, Hyogo and began playing the piano at the age of six.
After studying piano performance at Kacho Girl’s Senior High school, she completed a Bachelor of Music (Keyboard studies) at the Doshisha Women’s College of Liberal Arts. She continued her study in Vancouver, Canada under Edward Parker and also worked as his assistant. She moved to UK and studied Russian Method with Sulamita Aronovsky (Professor at Royal Academy of Music, the Jury Chairman of the London International Piano Competition) and received A.R.C.M (Associate of the Royal College of Music).
Upon her return to Japan, She converted the late Naoyuki Matsuda (a member of the Japan Art Academy)’s sculpture studio to the concert hall and started ‘Oto no Atorie’. Since then, she endeavored to popularize Russian Technique and Russian Piano Method. Her long experience in teaching based on Russian Piano Method was culminated in the publication of ‘Piano Lessons’, the beginner book with her own composition pieces (7 books) and ‘ちいさな練習曲集 (collection of small pieces for exercise)’. She currently holds seminars ‘Effective Practice Method Based on Russian Technique’ for piano tutors in many cities around Japan. She is the leader of Russian Piano Study Group, based in Kyoto. She has also written articles for piano tutors’ magazines ‘Chopin’ and ‘Musicanoba’ and was also featured in ‘PTNA’ magazine.
She composed and arranged many piano music pieces including ‘Grandfather’s Clock’, ‘Kaze No Tori Michi’ (arrangement), ‘Swimmy’ (narration and music) and ‘Yamanashi (Kenji Miyazawa). Her composition and arrangements are performed by herself and others including collaboration with schools and kindergarten and PTNA Kyoto Branch Anniversary Concert. She is a jury of Europe International Piano Competition, Chopin International Piano Competition in ASIA, PTNA Piano Competition, a full member of PTNA (The Piano Teachers' National Association of Japan), and a representative of PTNA Kyoto Atorie Station.